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How to specify authentication for Pip Project setup pip with extra-index-url in pip.ini (Windows) or pip.conf (Mac/Linux) on azure pipelines/artifacts

Azure Artifacts allows posting a module to an Artifactory that can then be installed by using pip by setting extra-index-url in pip.ini (Windows) or pip.conf (Mac/Linux) enter image description here

However, when using pip install, the system is asking for a user/password enter image description here

Is it possible to setup this inside pip.conf and / or even better use .ssh signatures?


  • I was facing the same issue, a workaround solution that worked for me. To bypass the entire process Lance Li-MSFT mentioned:

    It will ask your credentials and keep it in local cache, and it won't ask for user and password again if everything is ok


    In the pip.ini / pip.conf file, add:

    extra-index-url=https://<Personal Access Token><Organization Name>/_packaging/<Feed Name>/pypi/simple/

    This will be useful if you are in an environment where you can't do the first interactive login (Example Use-Case: Setting up an Azure Databricks from Azure Machine Learning Workspace and installing required packages).