Trying to create a function that takes in a demand schedule and adds a column in the data frame that has elasticity at each point. If you run my code below, you get a data frame with repeated values in each column. Is there something wrong with my for loop?
elasticity <- function(df){
df$PCP <- NULL #percentage change in price
df$PCQ <- NULL #percentage change in quantity
df$elasticity<- NULL #elasticity
for (i in 1:length(df$Price)){
df$PCP[i] <- 100*(df$Price[i]-df$Price[i+1])/(0.5*(df$Price[i]+df$Price[i+1]))
df$PCQ[i] <- 100*(df$Quantity[i+1]-df$Quantity[i])/(0.5*(df$Quantity[i]+df$Quantity[i+1]))
df$elasticity[i] <- df$PCQ[i]/df$PCP[i]
df <- data.frame("Price"=c(7:0), "Quantity"=seq(0,14, by=2))
You need to put your return statement outside of your loop.
I think placing return
inside your loop is exiting the function entirely, which is why the first result is being generated. From, "If it is not the last statement of the function, it will prematurely end the function bringing the control to the place from which it was called."
sample_function <- function(){
for(i in seq_along(rep(1,6))){
print("This is not evaluated")
print("This is not evaluated either")
> sample_function()
[1] "Hi!"
[1] 1
Also, since you're doing i +/- i + 1
be mindful of "off-by-one".
elasticity <- function(df){
df$PCP <- NULL #percentage change in price
df$PCQ <- NULL #percentage change in quantity
df$elasticity<- NULL #elasticity
for (i in seq_along(df$Price)){
df$PCP[i] <- 100*(df$Price[i]-df$Price[i+1])/(0.5*(df$Price[i]+df$Price[i+1]))
df$PCQ[i] <- 100*(df$Quantity[i+1]-df$Quantity[i])/(0.5*(df$Quantity[i]+df$Quantity[i+1]))
df$elasticity[i] <- df$PCQ[i]/df$PCP[i]
> elasticity(df)
Price Quantity PCP PCQ elasticity
1 7 0 15.38462 200.00000 13.00000000
2 6 2 18.18182 66.66667 3.66666667
3 5 4 22.22222 40.00000 1.80000000
4 4 6 28.57143 28.57143 1.00000000
5 3 8 40.00000 22.22222 0.55555556
6 2 10 66.66667 18.18182 0.27272727
7 1 12 200.00000 15.38462 0.07692308
8 0 14 NA NA NA