I recently wrote for(i in 1:100){foo(i,bar)}
as the last line in a script. In this case, the last line of foo
is a call to print
and I definitely do not want to see the return values of foo
. I only want the printing. This for loop works, but it feels unidiomatic to use a loop like this in R. Is there any more idiomatic way to achieve this? foo
must take each i in 1:100
individually before being called, so foo(1:100,bar)
won't work.
sapply(1:100,function(x) foo(x,bar))
seems more idiomatic, but it gives me both the return values of foo
and its printing. I had considered using do.call
, but having to use as.list(1:100)
disgusted me. What are my alternatives?
Minimum example:
print(paste0("alice",i,bar,collapse = ""))
for(i in 1:100){foo(i,"should've used cat")}
sapply(1:100,function(x) foo(x,"ugly output"))```
You can use invisible
in base R to suppress function return output:
invisible(sapply(1:5, function(x) foo(x, "ugly")))
[1] "alice1ugly"
[1] "alice2ugly"
[1] "alice3ugly"
[1] "alice4ugly"
[1] "alice5ugly"
You can also use purrr::walk
- it is like sapply
in that it executes a function over iterated values, but wrapped with invisible
by default:
purrr::walk(1:100, ~foo(., "ugly"))