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How to get the status of a list of VM in Azure using Powershell Get-Azvm

I am trying to get a list of Azure vm statuses (Allocated,Deallocated). I am able to get it one at a time for a single vm. But when i have a list of VM's or when using wildcard's it fails to get the vm status. Any tips

$ResGrp= "resvmtest"

 $vmList = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResGrp -Name *  -Status

       foreach($vm in ($vmList | Select-Object @batch)){
  Write-Host $vm.Statuses[1].DisplayStatus 


  • I see that you were trying to display the VMs in batches. Unless you have VMs in the thousands, that's not necessary. I also no longer see the Statuses property in Get-AzVM cmdlet. Just try this:

    $vmList = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResGrp -Status
    $vmList | Select-Object Name, PowerState, ProvisioningState # or any other properties you want to display

    Either that or I'm not understanding your question.