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SQL Server bacpac fails on local import in latest update (Online index operations can only be performed in Enterprise edition of SQL Server)

I have an SQL Azure database and connect to it in SQL Server Management Studio. I do Export Data Tier Application and then Import Data Tier Application for the .bacpac file to get it into my localdb. Or I use Tasks - Deploy Database.

Either way, it worked up until recently and now I get an error

Online index operations can only be performed in Enterprise edition of SQL Server

I am using SQL Server Management Studio versions below (from Help - About). Any ideas?

SQL Server Management Studio                    15.0.18369.0
SQL Server Management Objects (SMO)             16.100.46041.41
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools        15.0.19342.0
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)         10.0.19041.1
Microsoft MSXML                                 3.0 6.0 
Microsoft .NET Framework                        4.0.30319.42000
Operating System                                10.0.19041


  • If instead of using localdb you can upgrade to or use SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition, then you won't have any issues. Developer Edition is free and has the same features as Enterprise Edition. You can download Developer Edition from here and then update it with the latest cumulative update from here, after that try to import the bacpac to the Developer Edition instance.