I'm working with dbus in haskell, and I'm having difficulties figuring out how to export dbus methods that perform stateful operations. Below is a fully fleshed out example to illustrate where I'm stuck.
Let's say you're writing a counter service with dbus. When the service starts, the counter is initially at 0. The service defines a dbus API that exposes a count
method, which returns the current value of the counter, and an update
method, which increments that counter, and returns the new value.
Here's a pseudocodey implementation of the behavior I just described, using a message-passing-style of communication:
-- | Updates the given integer.
update :: Int -> Int
update = (+1)
-- | main function with message-passing-style communication
mainLoop :: Int -> IO Int
mainLoop state = do
case receiveMessage of
"update" -> do -- increment / update counter
sendReply $ update state
mainLoop $ update state -- recurse
"count" -> do -- return counter value
sendReply state
mainLoop state
"stop" -> do -- stop the counting service
main :: IO ()
main = do
mainLoop 0
However, dbus uses method-calls, not message passing. So, I need to be able to export a count
and update
method that behaves the same way as in my message-passing example.
The stub we'll work with is something like this:
-- | Updates the given integer.
update :: Int -> Int
update = (+1)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let initialState = 0
dbus <- connectSession
export dbus "/org/counter/CounterService"
[ autoMethod "org.counter.CounterService" "update" ({-- call update? --})
, autoMethod "org.counter.CounterService" "count" ({-- return state? --}) ]
And here lies my question: How should I encode the missing {-- call update? --}
and {-- return state? --}
I know I can use an MVar
to create global mutable state, and then just make the functions read from that, but I want to avoid mutability as much as possible here. I think I can do this with the Reader/State monad somehow, maybe by sneaking a get
into the functions, but I don't know how to handle the types with respect to DBus.
Ultimately, the dbus
package only allows you to export
methods of type Method
, which has a methodHandler
field that returns the monadic value:
DBusR Reply === ReaderT Client IO Reply
and there's no room in there for you to squeeze in your own StateT
monad. You could export a Property
instead, but that doesn't help you, since the fields of that type also involve IO
actions to get and set the property.
So, maintaining your state in IO
, most likely as an MVar
, is going to be pretty much unavoidable.
You could try to separate your pure-ish "core" from the IO shell. One way to do it (as per @HTNW's comment) is to write the core in State
type Counter = Int
update :: State Counter ()
update = modify (+1)
count :: State Counter Int
count = get
and lift it to IO
with something like:
import Data.Tuple (swap)
runStateIO :: State s a -> MVar s -> IO a
runStateIO act s = modifyMVar s (return . swap . runState act)
main = do
s <- newMVar 0
let run act = runStateIO act s
export dbus "/com/example/CounterService"
{ interfaceName = "com.example.CounterService"
, interfaceMethods =
[ autoMethod "update" (run update)
, autoMethod "count" (run count) ]
(I think I'm using a newer version of dbus
here than you, since the API is a little different -- I'm testing with dbus-1.2.16
, FYI.)
One potential drawback is that this is going to lock the state MVar
on every method call, even if the call doesn't need the state or needs only read-only access. DBus services are typically pretty low-traffic with method calls that are intended to complete quickly, so I don't think this is a problem in practice.
Anyway, a here's a full working program, which I tested with:
dbus-send --print-reply --session --dest=com.example /com/example/CounterService com.example.CounterService.update
dbus-send --print-reply --session --dest=com.example /com/example/CounterService com.example.CounterService.count
The program:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import Data.Int
import DBus.Client
import Data.Tuple
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad.State
type Counter = Int32
update :: State Counter ()
update = modify (+1)
count :: State Counter Int32
count = get
runStateIO :: State s a -> MVar s -> IO a
runStateIO act s = modifyMVar s (return . swap . runState act)
main :: IO ()
main = do
dbus <- connectSession
requestResult <- requestName dbus "com.example" []
when (requestResult /= NamePrimaryOwner) $ do
hPutStrLn stderr "Name \"com.example\" not available"
s <- newMVar 0
let run act = runStateIO act s
export dbus "/com/example/CounterService"
{ interfaceName = "com.example.CounterService"
, interfaceMethods =
[ autoMethod "update" (run update)
, autoMethod "count" (run count) ]
forever $ threadDelay 60000000