I am trying to convert some datasets into the same coordinate system (NC2264)
NC2264 = 'EPSG:2264'
sfd_subs = pd.read_csv(r'FILE_LOCATION.csv')
wake_shapes = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(r'FILE_LOCATION.shp').to_crs(NC2264)
sfd_subs = gpd.GeoDataFrame(sfd_subs, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(sfd_subs.Longitude, sfd_subs.Latitude),crs='EPSG:4326')
The shapefile conversion works perfectly but the 'sfd_subs' remains unchanged. I'm getting no errors.
I've included 5 of the correct conversions on top vs the unchanged conversion on the bottom.
0 POINT (2641914.208 1398556.771)
1 POINT (2642559.277 1398183.388)
2 POINT (2641705.300 1398352.924)
3 POINT (2641716.844 1397826.942)
4 POINT (2674989.747 1419749.281)
3332 POINT (-78.135 35.506)
3333 POINT (-78.130 35.504)
3334 POINT (-78.123 35.530)
3335 POINT (-78.104 35.537)
3336 POINT (-78.087 35.562)
Since I'm getting no errors I'm not sure what the best course of action is.
You have to assign a converted GeoDataFrame to a variable, as the function doesn't modify it inplace.
# instead of only writing: sdf_subs.to_crs(NC2264), assign it back to variable
sdf_subs = sfd_subs.to_crs(NC2264)