Hi I'm trying to create a generic function to make a deep copy of list using the copy() method that a Data class provide us.
I'm using the method that I found on other post which returns a list of objects being deep copied:
listDataClass.map{ it.copy() }
But I can't seem to know how to make it as a generic function for data class so I'm really curious to see how'd you make one like this.
By using kotlin reflection magic, you can do it like this:
class NotADataClassException(clazz: KClass<out Any>): Exception("$clazz is not a data class")
fun List<T>.deepCopy(): List<T> {
return map { item ->
if (!item::class.isData) {
throw NotADataClassException(item::class)
} else {
item::class.members.first { it.name == "copy" }.callBy(emptyMap()) as T
However, this is bad because of the following reasons:
This doesn't constrain the elements to data classes at compile time (that is what we wanted to do with the generics!) instead, it throws an exception.
Kotlin reflection is slow and big, and reflection is used for every item.