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Defining interfaces (abstract classes without members) in C++

By an interface (C# terminology) I mean an abstract class with no data members. Thus, such a class only specifies a contract (a set of methods) that sub-classes must implement. My question is: How to implement such a class correctly in modern C++?

The C++ core guidelines [1] encourage the use of abstract class with no data members as interfaces [I.25 and C.121]. Interfaces should normally be composed entirely of public pure virtual functions and a default/empty virtual destructor [from C.121]. Hence I guess it should be declared with the struct keyword, since it only contains public members anyway.

To enable use and deletion of sub-class objects via pointers to the abstract class, the abstract class needs a public default virtual destructor [C.127]. "A polymorphic class should suppress copying" [C.67] by deleting the copy operations (copy assignment operator, copy constructor) to prevent slicing. I assume that this also extends to the move constructor and the move assignment operator, since those can also be used for slicing. For actual cloning, the abstract class may define a virtual clone method. (It's not completely clear how this should be done. Via smart pointers or owner<T*> from the Guidelines Support Library. The method using owner<T> makes no sense to me, since the examples should not compile: the derived function still does not override anything!?).

In C.129, the example uses interfaces with virtual inheritance only. If I understand correctly, it makes no difference if interfaces are derived (perhaps better: "implemented"?) using class Impl : public Interface {...}; or class Impl : public virtual Interface {...};, since they have no data that could be duplicated. The diamond problem (and related problems) don't exist for interfaces (which, I think, is the reason why languages such as C# don't allow/need multiple inheritance for classes). Is the virtual inheritance here done just for clarity? Is it good practice?

In summary, it seems that: An interface should consist only of public methods. It should declare a public defaulted virtual destructor. It should explicitly delete copy assignment, copy construction, move assignment and move construction. It may define a polymorphic clone method. I should be derived using public virtual.

One more thing that confuses me: An apparent contradiction: "An abstract class typically doesn't need a constructor" [C.126]. However, if one implements the rule of five by deleting all copy operations (following [C.67]), the class no longer has a default constructor. Hence sub-classes can never be instantiated (since sub-class constructors call base-class constructors) and thus the abstract base-class always needs to declare a default constructor?! Am I misunderstanding something?

Below is an example. Do you agree with this way to define and use an abstract class without members (interface)?

// C++17
/// An interface describing a source of random bits. 
// The type `BitVector` could be something like std::vector<bool>.
#include <memory>

struct RandomSource { // `struct` is used for interfaces throughout core guidelines (e.g. C.122)
    virtual BitVector get_random_bits(std::size_t num_bits) = 0; // interface is just one method

    // rule of 5 (or 6?):
    RandomSource() = default; // needed to instantiate sub-classes !?
    virtual ~RandomSource() = default; // Needed to delete polymorphic objects (C.127)

    // Copy operations deleted to avoid slicing. (C.67)
    RandomSource(const RandomSource &) = delete;

    RandomSource &operator=(const RandomSource &) = delete;

    RandomSource(RandomSource &&) = delete;

    RandomSource &operator=(RandomSource &&) = delete;

    // To implement copying, would need to implement a virtual clone method:
    // Either return a smart pointer to base class in all cases:
    virtual std::unique_ptr<RandomSource> clone() = 0;
    // or use `owner`, an alias for raw pointer from the Guidelines Support Library (GSL):
    // virtual owner<RandomSource*> clone() = 0;
    // Since GSL is not in the standard library, I wouldn't use it right now.

// Example use (class implementing the interface)
class PRNG : public virtual RandomSource { // virtual inheritance just for clarity?
    // ...
    BitVector get_random_bits(std::size_t num_bits) override;

    // may the subclass ever define copy operations? I guess no.

    // implemented clone method:
    // owner<PRNG*> clone() override; // for the alternative owner method...
    // Problem: multiple identical methods if several interfaces are inherited,
    // each of which requires a `clone` method? 
    //Maybe the std. library should provide an interface 
    // (e.g. `Clonable`) to unify this requirement?
    std::unique_ptr<RandomSource> clone() override;
    // ... private data members, more methods, etc...
  [1]:, commit 2c95a33fefae87c2222f7ce49923e7841faca482


  • You ask a lot of questions, but I'll give it a shot.

    By an interface (C# terminology) I mean an abstract class with no data members.

    Nothing specifically like a C# interface exists. A C++ abstract base class comes the closest, but there are differences (for example, you will need to define a body for the virtual destructor).

    Thus, such a class only specifies a contract (a set of methods) that sub-classes must implement. My question is: How to implement such a class correctly in modern C++?

    As a virtual base class.


    class OutputSink
        ~OutputSink() = 0;
        // contract:
        virtual void put(std::vector<std::byte> const& bytes) = 0;
    OutputSink::~OutputSink() = default;

    Hence I guess it should be declared with the struct keyword, since it only contains public members anyway.

    There are multiple conventions for when to use a structure versus a class. The guideline I recommend (hey, you asked for opinions :D) is to use structures when you have no invariants on their data. For a base class, please use the class keyword.

    "A polymorphic class should suppress copying"

    Mostly true. I have written code where the client code didn't perform copies of the inherited classes, and the code worked just fine (without prohibiting them). The base classes didn't forbid it explicitly, but that was code I was writing in my own hobby project. When working in a team, it is good practice to specifically restrict copying.

    As a rule, don't bother with cloning, until you find an actual use case for it in your code. Then, implement cloning with the following signature (example for my class above):

    virtual std::unique_ptr<OutputSink> OutputSink::clone() = 0;

    If this doesn't work for some reason, use another signature (return a shared_ptr for example). owner<T> is a useful abstraction, but that should be used only in corner cases (when you have a code base that imposes on you the use of raw pointers).

    An interface should consist only of public methods. It should declare [...]. It should [...]. It should be derived using public virtual.

    Don't try to represent the perfect C# interface in C++. C++ is more flexible than that, and rarely will you need to add a 1-to-1 implementation of a C# concept in C++.

    For example, in base classes in C++ I sometimes add public non-virtual function implementations, with virtual implementations:

    class OutputSink
         void put(const ObjWithHeaderAndData& o) // non-virtual
         virtual void put(ObjectHeader const& h) = 0; // specialize in implementations
         virtual void put(ObjectData const& d) = 0; // specialize in implementations

    thus the abstract base-class always needs to declare a default constructor?! Am I misunderstanding something?

    Define the rule of 5 as needed. If code doesn't compile because you are missing a default constructor, then add a default constructor (use the guidelines only when they make sense).

    Edit: (addressing comment)

    as soon as you declare a virtual destructor, you have to declare some constructor for the class to be usable in any way

    Not necessarily. It is better (but actually "better" depends on what you agree with your team) to understand the defaults the compiler adds for you and only add construction code when it differs from that. For example, in modern C++ you can initialize members inline, often removing the need for a default constructor completely.