I have created a generic method. The typeparameter could be any enum:
private AdditionalFields GetAdditionalFields<T>(params T[] fields) where T : struct, Enum
var fieldTextList = new List<string>();
foreach ( var field in fields )
fieldTextList.Add($"F{(int)field}"); // <- Error here
// ... do logic
return ...
When I try to cast the enum-value to a integer, i get the compiler-error "Cannot convert type 'T' to 'int'.
Can someone explain, why this happens? T is always an enum and therefore should able to be converted to int - or not?
I think, it's better to use enum-specific format string to get integer representation of enum (integer in general meaning, not only int32)
You can find more about format specifiers for enums here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/enumeration-format-strings#d-or-d