I want to write the below query without using union all. The only difference in both the queries are for 'Event'
and 'Time1'
You can use something like this:
Select L.id
, L.StudentID
, L.Name
, L.Owner
, O.Stage
, O.probab
, Multiplier.Event as Event
, Multiplier.Time1
From Lead L
VALUES ('Lead', case when L.converted='true' and convert(varchar,L.ldate,23)<>convert(varchar,O.odate,23) then O.date else L.date end)
, ('Contact Attempt', case when L.Attempted is null then O.Attempted else L.ContactAttempted end)
) AS Multiplier(Event, Time1)
left join Opp O
ON O.LeadID=L.LeadID
left join Acc A
ON A.id=O.AccountId
left join zip Z
ON z.CODE = left(L.postalcode,5)
where (L.ldate is not null or o.NewAssigned is not null)
By the way, you should always define the length of varchar