I'm using Google Cloud Functions (python) to initiate an asset inventory export from GCP by calling the exportAssets() method here. The method returns an Operations object defined here which can be used to poll the operation until it is complete. Of course since this is a cloud function I'm limited to 540 seconds so cannot do that forever. The google api python client offers the add_done_callback() method where one can await an async response, but as far as I can tell it requires me to keep a thread alive within the cloud function. Is there a way to tell the Asset Inventory API executing the operation to send the aync response (success or failure) to a pubsub topic where I can properly handle the response? Trying to avoid spinning up an appengine instance with basic_scaling to support 24 hour timeouts.
from google.cloud import asset_v1
# .....
# Setup request to asset inventory API
parent = "organizations/{}".format(GCP_ORGANIZATION)
requested_type = 'RESOURCE'
dataset = 'projects/{}/datasets/gcp_assets_{}'.format(GCP_PROJECT, requested_type)
partition_spec = asset_v1.PartitionSpec
partition_key = asset_v1.PartitionSpec.PartitionKey.REQUEST_TIME
partition_spec.partition_key = asset_v1.PartitionSpec.PartitionKey.REQUEST_TIME
output_config = asset_v1.OutputConfig()
output_config.bigquery_destination.dataset = dataset
output_config.bigquery_destination.table = 'assets'
output_config.bigquery_destination.separate_tables_per_asset_type = True
output_config.bigquery_destination.partition_spec.partition_key = partition_key
# Make API request to asset inventory API
print("Creating job to load 'asset types: {}' to {}".format(
response = ASSET_CLIENT.export_assets(
"parent": parent,
"content_type": content_type,
"output_config": output_config,
print(response.result()) # This waits for the job to complete
Cloud Asset inventory export doesn't offer a PubSub notification at the end of the export. However, in my previous company, it took about 5 minutes to export 100k+ assets; it's not so bad! And if you have more assets, I'm sure you can contact Google Cloud (use your Customer Engineer) to add this notification in the roadmap.
Anyway, if you want to build a workaround, you can use workflows.