I'm trying to convert this list of colors from my colors.xml
to a Java String Array
<color name="redditred">#EA0027</color>
<color name="redditorange">#FF8717</color>
<color name="redditlime">#94E044</color>
<color name="redditmint">#0DD3BB</color>
<color name="redditblue">#24A0ED</color>
<color name="redditpink">#FF66AC</color>
<color name="redditgold">#DDBD37</color>
<color name="redditgrey">#A5A4A4</color>
<color name="redditsemiblack">#222222</color>
<integer-array name="redditColors">
I've tried using getResources
and then getting the array
from the xml resource file and printing it. It returns the length
of 17 as expected. However when I print the hex values using Arrays.toString()
, it gives me an array of null values. What am I doing incorrectly, and how can I get my code to print the Hex colors? eg: [#EA0027, #FF8717, #94E044, ...... ]
String[] colors = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.redditColors);
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate: " + colors.length);
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate: " + Arrays.toString(colors));
onCreate: 17
onCreate: [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
String[] colors = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.redditColors);
for(int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++){
String hexInString = String.format("#%06X", (0xFFFFFF & colors[i]));
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate: hex: " + hexInString);
You should use getIntArray()
instead of getStringArray()
and convert to Hex
with Integer.toHexString()
int[] colors = getResources().getIntArray(R.array.redditColors);
for (int color : colors) {
String ColorString = "#" + Integer.toHexString(color);
Log.d("LOG_TAG", "Hex Color: " + ColorString);
2021-01-04 08:22:11.819 32308-32308/com.example.... D/LOG_TAG: Hex Color: #ffea0027
2021-01-04 08:22:11.819 32308-32308/com.example.... D/LOG_TAG: Hex Color: #ffff8717
2021-01-04 08:22:11.820 32308-32308/com.example.... D/LOG_TAG: Hex Color: #ff94e044
2021-01-04 08:22:11.820 32308-32308/com.example.... D/LOG_TAG: Hex Color: #ff0dd3bb
2021-01-04 08:22:11.820 32308-32308/com.example.... D/LOG_TAG: Hex Color: #ff24a0ed
2021-01-04 08:22:11.820 32308-32308/com.example.... D/LOG_TAG: Hex Color: #ffff66ac
2021-01-04 08:22:11.820 32308-32308/com.example.... D/LOG_TAG: Hex Color: #ffddbd37
2021-01-04 08:22:11.820 32308-32308/com.example.... D/LOG_TAG: Hex Color: #ffa5a4a4
2021-01-04 08:22:11.820 32308-32308/com.example.... D/LOG_TAG: Hex Color: #ff222222