This script works fine but I now wish to limit the summed round scores to best 14 rounds.
RoundScoreCard.idPlayerDetails as ID,
#concat(PlayerFirstName," ",PlayerLastName)as Name,
sum(RoundScoreCardPlayerPoints) as Total
from RoundScoreCard
join PlayerDetails on RoundScoreCard.idPlayerDetails = PlayerDetails.idplayerdetails
group by RoundScoreCard.idPlayerDetails
order by Total DESC
Test with this single sub query works fine;
select sum(RoundScoreCardPlayerPoints)
(select RoundScoreCardPlayerPoints
from RoundScoreCard
where RoundScoreCard.idPlayerDetails = @player
order by RoundScoreCardPlayerPoints desc
limit 14) as subquery
Have battled for about a week modifying every example I can find but just cant get this to work listing all players. I can show a multitude of attempts but this would confuse this question for others. (I do have a solution using a test for records and then an IF statement but it seems excessive and costly on time.)
All the best for the new year.
OK - so I have progressed a bit further with the help of this article;
Thanks Rob Gravelle
Limiting my top scores to 2 for each player
My Sql is now as follows:
Select idRoundScorecard, RoundScoreCardPlayerPoints,idPlayerDetails
SELECT idRoundScorecard, RoundScoreCardPlayerPoints, idPlayerDetails,
@player_score_rank := IF(@current_player = idPlayerDetails,
@player_score_rank + 1,
) AS player_score_rank,
@current_player := idPlayerDetails
FROM RoundScoreCard
ORDER BY idPlayerDetails, RoundScoreCardPlayerPoints DESC
) ranked
WHERE player_score_rank <= 2;
Now I have to sum and rank again?
Here is my solution!9/4f4fe7/9
select idPlayerDetails as ID, concat(PlayerFirstName," ",PlayerLastName)as Name,sum(Points) as Points
(Select idRoundScorecard, RoundScoreCardPlayerPoints as Points,idPlayerDetails
(SELECT idRoundScorecard, RoundScoreCardPlayerPoints, idPlayerDetails,
@player_rank := IF(@current_player = idPlayerDetails,
@player_rank + 1,
) AS player_rank,
@current_player := idPlayerDetails
FROM RoundScoreCard
ORDER BY idPlayerDetails, RoundScoreCardPlayerPoints DESC
) ranked
WHERE player_rank <= 5 )summed
natural join PlayerDetails
group by idPlayerDetails
order by Points desc