I am quite new to SQL, have been learning for ~3 weeks, and have taken a liking to it. Hoping to polish up my skills before beginning to apply to Data Analyst roles.
I've been working with a dummy dvd-rental database and have found myself unable to solve a challenge given to me by a peer. The question was: "what is the most expensive rental for the 4th customer?"
We can see in picture, that based on the nth_customer column, Terrance Roush is the 4th ever customer (he's the 4th ever person to pay). But the issue is that the nth_customer column is actually reporting back the nth order and continues counting to infinity. So the next time Terrance shows up, the nth_customer column will not show '4' (which is what I was hoping to achieve).
Would appreciate any feedback on how to solve this. Thank you in advance.
If "the fourth customer" means the customer who did the fourth rental, you can break the problem down into two - finding that fourth customer, and finding their most expensive rental. Something like this:
FROM payment
WHERE customer_id = (
SELECT customer_id
FROM payment
ORDER BY payment_date
Here I'm finding the ID of the fourth customer in the subquery, using a LIMIT & OFFSET to get just the one record I want. Then in the outer query I'm simply ordering all of that customer's records and taking the one with the biggest amount.