I'm trying to save space, reduce both margins of the algorithm in 1, and add a comment after the "do" in line 1 (see the problem in red). All my tentatives failed. I only could place the comment between the "SemCompositeIndex" and the "do."
Its compilable code follows:
%Remove right hand margin in algorithm
\patchcmd{\@algocf@start}% <cmd>
{-1.5em}% <search>
{0pt}% <replace>
{}{}% <success><failure>
\Input{SemCompositeIndex \tcp*[f]{XXX}(a)}
\Output{CSemCompositeIndex \tcp*[f]{YYY}(b)}
\ForEach{entry $\in$ SemCompositeIndex \tcp*[f]{XXX}}{
CSemCompositeIndex.put(entry.compositeKey, compressMatchCounter(entry.matchCounter)) \tcp*[f]{ZZZ}}
I'm new here. Let me know if I need to put more details!
Thank you so much for your attention and participation.
Happy new year to all of us!
To place a comment after the condition of the for loop, you can use \ForEach(\tcp*[f]{XXX}){...}{....}
\setlength{\algomargin}{15pt} %@Werner Solution for left margin
%Remove right hand margin in algorithm
\patchcmd{\@algocf@start}% <cmd>
{-1.5em}% <search>
{0pt}% <replace>
{}{}% <success><failure>
\Input{SemCompositeIndex \tcp*[f]{XXX}(a)}
\Output{CSemCompositeIndex \tcp*[f]{YYY}(b)}
\ForEach(\tcp*[f]{XXX}){entry $\in$ SemCompositeIndex }{
CSemCompositeIndex.put(entry.compositeKey, compressMatchCounter(entry.matchCounter)) \tcp*[f]{ZZZ}}