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R function loglik() returning -inf?

Simulating an SIR model in R. I have a data set I am trying to plot accurately with the model. I am right now using the particle filter function, then would like to use the corresponding logLik method on the result. When I do this, I get "[1] -Inf" as a result. I can't find in the documentation why this is and how I can avoid it. Are my parameters for the model not accurate enough? Is there something else wrong?

My function looks like this: SIRsim %>% pfilter(Np=5000) -> pf logLik(pf)

From an online course lesson entitled Likelihood for POMPS , this is the R script for the lesson. However, the code works here... I'm not sure how to reproduce my specific problem with it and unfortunately cannot share the dataset or code I am using because it is for academic research.



sir_step <- Csnippet("
double dN_SI = rbinom(S,1-exp(-Beta*I/N*dt));
double dN_IR = rbinom(I,1-exp(-mu_IR*dt));
S -= dN_SI;
I += dN_SI - dN_IR;
R += dN_IR;
H += dN_IR;

sir_init <- Csnippet("
S = nearbyint(eta*N);
I = 1;
R = nearbyint((1-eta)*N);
H = 0;

dmeas <- Csnippet("
lik = dbinom(reports,H,rho,give_log);

rmeas <- Csnippet("
reports = rbinom(H,rho);

  select(week,reports=cases) %>%
  filter(week<=42) %>%
  ) -> measSIR

measSIR %>%
  pfilter(Np=5000) -> pf

foreach (i=1:10, .combine=c) %dopar% {
  measSIR %>% pfilter(Np=5000)
} -> pf
logLik(pf) -> ll


  • If I set Beta=100 in the code above I can get a negative-infinite log-likelihood.

    Replacing the measurement-error snippet with this:

    dmeas <- Csnippet("
          double ll = dbinom(reports,H,rho,give_log);
          lik =  (!isfinite(ll) ? -1000 : ll );

    appears to 'solve' the problem, although you should be a little bit careful; papering over numerical cracks like this is sometimes OK, but could conceivably come back to bite you in some way later on. If you just need to avoid non-finite values long enough to get into a reasonable parameter range this might be OK ...

    Some guesses as to why this is happening:

    • you are somehow getting an "impossible" situation like a positive number of reported cases when the underlying true number of infections is zero.
    • Sometimes non-finite log-likelihoods occur when a very small positive probability underflows to zero. The equivalent here is likely that the probability of infection 1-exp(-Beta*I/N*dt) goes to 1.0; then any observed outcome where less than 100% of the population is infected is impossible.

    You can try to diagnose the situation by seeing what the filtered trajectory actually looks like and comparing it with the data, or by adding debugging statements to the code. If there's a way to run just the deterministic simulation with your parameter values that might tell you pretty quickly what's going wrong.

    An easier/more direct way to debug would be to replace the Csnippet you're using for dmeas with an R function: this will be slower but easier to work with (especially if you're not familiar with C coding). If you uncomment the browser() statement below, the code will drop into debug mode when you encounter the bad situation ...

    dmeas  <- function(reports,H,rho,log, ...) {
        lik <- dbinom(reports,size=H,prob=rho,log=log)
        if (!is.finite(lik)) {
            lik <- -1000
            ## browser()

    For example:

    (t = 3, reports = 2, S = 2280, I = 0, R = 35721, H = 0, Beta = 100, 
        mu_IR = 0.5, rho = 0.5, eta = 0.06, N = 38000, log = TRUE)
    Browse[1]> debug at /tmp/SO65554258.R!ZlSILG#7: return(lik)
    Browse[2]> reports
    [1] 2
    Browse[2]> H
    [1] 0
    Browse[2]> rho
    [1] 0.5

    This shows that the problem is indeed that you have a positive number of reported cases when there have been zero infections ... R is trying to compute the binomial probability of observing reports cases out when there are H infections that are potentially reportable, each reported with a probability rho. When the number of trials N in a binomial probability Binom(N,p) is zero, the only possible outcome is zero 'successes' (reported cases), with probability 1. All other outcomes have probability 0 (and log-probability -Inf).