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How to filter a request for a host with mitmproxy addon if its hostname match a regex?

I wanna implement an addon which filters and remove all request for a set of domains. All domains must match with the following regex:


I do not know how to get a request hostname:

if re.match("a-.+\.xxxx\.com", flow.request.hostname):
     # Do something


  • In the mitmproxy, the following class is used to encapsulate request information:

    And the contractor of the Request class is:

    def __init__(
            host: str,
            port: int,
            method: bytes,
            scheme: bytes,
            authority: bytes,
            path: bytes,
            http_version: bytes,
            headers: Union[Headers, Tuple[Tuple[bytes, bytes], ...]],
            content: Optional[bytes],
            trailers: Union[None, Headers, Tuple[Tuple[bytes, bytes], ...]],
            timestamp_start: float,
            timestamp_end: Optional[float],

    So, somewhere in the platform the host and port is passed to the class instance.

    The implementation uses a data class to store data:

    class RequestData(message.MessageData):
        host: str
        port: int
        method: bytes
        scheme: bytes
        authority: bytes
        path: bytes

    Therefor, to access the request hostname:

    if re.match("a-.+\.xxxx\.com",
         # Do something

    Following method added directly into the Request class:

    A getter

    def host(self) -> str:

    A setter

    def host(self, val: Union[str, bytes]) -> None:

    So the following code is acceptable too:

    if re.match("a-.+\.xxxx\.com",
         # Do something