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Running Selenium geckodriver without generating geckodriver log files

I have some Robot Framework test suites that use the SeleniumLibrary. I run these tests with Firefox and geckodriver. Whenever I run my tests suites, a geckodriver-*.log file is created.

For example, before I run my test suite, I have only my .robot file:

$ ls

I then run robot, and the geckodriver log file is generated:

$ robot --output NONE --log NONE --report NONE example.robot 
<output of running test suite>
$ ls
example.robot  geckodriver-1.log

If I rerun the test suite, a geckodriver-2.log file is created, and running the suite a third time generates a geckodriver-3.log file, and so on.

How can I run my test suites without any geckodriver log files being created?

I know this must be possible, since it can be done in regular python (without Robot) by setting the service_log_path to /dev/null, as below:

from selenium import webdriver
import shutil

driver = webdriver.Firefox(

My *.robot file for a minimal reproducible example

*** Settings ***
Library     SeleniumLibrary    run_on_failure=None

*** Test Cases ***
Example Test Case
    Open Browser    Firefox
    Close Browser

Version and OS information

  • Operating system: Linux
  • Firefox: 79.0
  • geckodriver: 0.26.0
  • Python: 3.6.9
  • Robot Framework: 3.2.2
  • robotframework-seleniumlibrary: 4.4.0


  • The solution is to set the service_log_path argument for the Open Browser keyword to os.path.devnull, as below:

    *** Settings ***
    Library     SeleniumLibrary    run_on_failure=None
    *** Test Cases ***
    Example Test Case
        Open Browser    Firefox    service_log_path=${{os.path.devnull}}
        Close Browser

    Then geckodriver will log to os.path.devnull instead of to a file in the current working directory.

    Note: This example uses inline python evaluation, a new feature in Robot Framework 3.2.