I'm still beginner in React Native and I'm trying to follow a tutorial from youtube to make a Drawer Menu.
I'm in a part of the tutorial, where I need to insert a button inside the screenOptions
of my Stack.Navigator
const Screens = () => {
return (
headerTransparent: false,
headerTitle: null,
headerLeft: () => {
<Button title="Menu" />;
<Stack.Screen name="Dashboard" component={Dashboard} />
<Stack.Screen name="Messages" component={Messages} />
<Stack.Screen name="Contact" component={Contact} />
My code is in accordance with the tutorial, but the problem is that in my code the button does not appear so that I can open Drawer
Can you help me and tell me how do I render this button on my screen?
Here's my code I put in snack.expo.io, and here's the tutorial I'm trying follow, the button is inserted in the minute 14:40s.
Thank you very much for your help.
Everything is fine but you are not returning the button here,
Follow this code:
headerTransparent: false,
headerTitle: null,
headerLeft: () => (
<Button title="Menu" />
//rest of the code