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VBA Word How do I pass part of an array to a subroutine?

I want to pass a part of an array to a subroutine!

Sub main()
    Dim i(10) As Byte
    Dim j As Integer

    For j = LBound(i) To UBound(i)
        i(j) = j
    Call subr(i())

End Sub
Sub subr(i() As Byte)
    Dim j As Integer

    For j = LBound(i) To UBound(i)
        Debug.Print  i(j)
End Sub

This example passes the entire array to subr and prints it.

I want something like this (which doesn't work):

Call subr(i(L_index to U_index))

L_index and U_index determine the range to pass.


  • The only way to do that would be to copy the span of the array your interested in, instead pass the array & range:

    Call subr(i(), 3, 5)

    Sub subr(arr() As Byte, startIndex As Long, endIndex As Long)
       For i = startIndex To endIndex
            Debug.Print arr(i)
    End Sub