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GCP Api Gateway with Firebase Auth

I'm trying to set up GCP Api Gateway for my Cloud Run hosted containers but I' getting some errors regarding Firebase Authentication.

In the api spec, I copied what is published in the api gateway guide

    authorizationUrl: ""
    flow: "implicit"
    type: "oauth2"
    x-google-issuer: "{{ project_id }}"
    x-google-jwks_uri: "[email protected]"
    x-google-audiences: "{{ project_id }}"

and added the security entry in the endpoints path

   - firebase: []

When I make a request through the Api Gateway, some additional headers are added to the request that is proxied to the Cloud Run service, such as x-apigateway-api-userinfo, x-forwarded-authorization and authorization

Then, in the Cloud Run service, I have to use Firebase Admin sdk to verify the token passed and identify the user who is making the request. That's where the problem begins, when I try verifying any of this header's token, I get an error: "FirebaseAuthError: Decoding Firebase ID token failed. Make sure you passed the entire string JWT which represents an ID token."

Am I doing anything wrong? How can I decode the auth token passed to the Api Gateway?


  • Checking the validity of the token is already done by the API Gateway.

    x-apigateway-api-userinfo is not the JWT, it's a base64 encoded json containing the users information. Decode it and you should be golden.