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How do I make code save local variables between its processes in python like ipython notebook does?

I think my title isn't clear so... I made this code which fetches top Dota TV games as an array of these match_ids and prints them in the end. STEAM_LGN, STEAM_PSW are steam login/password combination.

from steam.client import SteamClient
from dota2.client import Dota2Client

client = SteamClient()
dota = Dota2Client(client)

def start_dota():

match_ids = []
def response(result):
    for match in result.game_list: # games
def request_matches():

client.cli_login(username=STEAM_LGN, password=STEAM_PSW)

dota.on('top_source_tv_games', response)

The thing I'm having a problem with

When using Anaconda iPython Notebook -> when I run the cell for the first time -> it returns me


but when I do it for the second time, it returns me a real data, for example

[5769568657, 5769554974, 5769555609, 5769572298, 5769543230, 5769561446, 5769562113, 5769552763, 5769550735, 5769563870]

So every time when I am playing in my ipython notebook sandbox -> I hit Shift+Enter twice and get the data.

But now I need to tranfer this code to a bigger project. So for example let's say I save that code to file and have this code in another file referencing

import subprocess
import time 

### some code ###

while(True):['python', './'])

And when running project code this always prints [] like it was doing on first Shift+Enter cell-running in Anaconda ipython notebook.


So my question is what should I do in this situation ? How can I solve this problem of (I don't know) ValvePython/dota2 code caching some important data in local unknown to me variables in ipython notebook?

Ideally I want the code immediately give me real data without having these [].


  • Hard to tell why it happens, but as a possible workaround I'd try wrapping the code in the cell you're re-running, in a function that retries until nonempty results are achieved.

    For example, assuming everything was in the rerun cell except the imports, this might be

    from steam.client import SteamClient
    from dota2.client import Dota2Client
    import time
    def get_results():
        client = SteamClient()
        dota = Dota2Client(client)
        def start_dota():
        match_ids = []
        def response(result):
            for match in result.game_list: # games
        def request_matches():
        client.cli_login(username=STEAM_LGN, password=STEAM_PSW)
        dota.on('top_source_tv_games', response)
        return match_ids
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        results = get_results()
        max_retries = 10
        retries = 0
        while not results and retries < max_retries:
            time.sleep(3)  # wait number of seconds to retry
            results = get_results()
            retries += 1