I have a list of vertices from a polygon and I'm trying to create an equilateral triangular grid inside a larger triangle centered around the current vertex from the input polygon.
The size of the internal triangle's sides is determined by L
which divides the container side to L
equal parts. Finally I'd like to store the coordinates of the vertices of all these triangles (including the original larger triangle) in a list in Python.
One approach I have come up with is the following:
on each side of the large triangleLineString
from each of corresponding pointsobject.intersection()
function that returns the coordinatesHowever I'm open to ideas and other approaches possibly more efficient ones.
Here's my code so far:
import math
import sys
# Constructs the larger, container triangle given the centroid (a vertex from the input polygon)
def construct_eq_triangle(centroid, radius):
side_length = radius * math.sqrt(3)
# Calculate three vertices of the container triangle
a = [centroid[0], centroid[1] + (math.sqrt(3) / 3) * side_length] # Top vertex
b = [centroid[0] - (side_length / 2), centroid[1] - (math.sqrt(3) / 6) * side_length] # Bottom left vertex
c = [centroid[0] + (side_length / 2), centroid[1] - (math.sqrt(3) / 6) * side_length] # Bottom right vertex
return a, b, c
def draw_triangular_grid(vertex, radius, L):
grid_x = []
grid_y = []
# contruct the container equilateral triangler around this vertex
a, b, c = construct_eq_triangle(vertex, radius)
# Draw the grid here inside a,b,c and fill 'grid_x' and 'grid_y'
# but for now just print the mother triangle
print("\n Equilateral triangle for vertex " + str(vertex) + ":")
print((a, b, c))
return grid_x, grid_y
def main(args):
# demo data, 4 vertices of a simple square with a length of 8
vertices = [(2.0, 10.0), (10.0, 10.10), (10.0, 2.0), (2.0, 2.0)]
radius = 2
L = 7
i = 0
while i <= len(vertices) - 1:
grid_x, grid_y = draw_triangular_grid(vertices[i], radius, L)
# process the grid coordinates
i += 1
# Main entry point
if __name__ == "__main__":
If you need to calculate triangle vertices:
import math
ax = 0
ay = 100
L = 4
tri = []
Size = 100
dx = 0.5 * Size / L
dy = - math.sqrt(3) * dx
for i in range(L):
basex = ax - dx * i
basey = ay + dy * i
tri.append([(basex, basey), (basex - dx, basey + dy), (basex + dx, basey + dy)])
for j in range(i):
tri[-1].extend([(basex + j * 2 * dx, basey),
(basex + j * 2 * dx + dx, basey + dy),
(basex + (j + 1) * 2 * dx, basey)])
tri[-1].extend([(basex + (j + 1) * 2 * dx, basey),
(basex + (j + 1) * 2 * dx - dx, basey + dy),
(basex + (j + 1) * 2 * dx + dx, basey + dy)])
for i in range(L):
Result contains stripes of triangles as triplets of vertex tuples:
[(0.0, 100.0), (-12.5, 78.34936490538904), (12.5, 78.34936490538904)]
[(-12.5, 78.34936490538904), (-25.0, 56.698729810778076), (0.0, 56.698729810778076),
(-12.5, 78.34936490538904), (0.0, 56.698729810778076), (12.5, 78.34936490538904),
(12.5, 78.34936490538904), (0.0, 56.698729810778076), (25.0, 56.698729810778076)]
[(-25.0, 56.69872981077807), (-37.5, 35.0480947161671), (-12.5, 35.0480947161671),
(-25.0, 56.69872981077807), (-12.5, 35.0480947161671), (0.0, 56.69872981077807),
(0.0, 56.69872981077807), (-12.5, 35.0480947161671), (12.5, 35.0480947161671),
(0.0, 56.69872981077807), (12.5, 35.0480947161671), (25.0, 56.69872981077807),
(25.0, 56.69872981077807), (12.5, 35.0480947161671), (37.5, 35.0480947161671)]
[(-37.5, 35.0480947161671), (-50.0, 13.397459621556134), (-25.0, 13.397459621556134),
(-37.5, 35.0480947161671), (-25.0, 13.397459621556134), (-12.5, 35.0480947161671),
(-12.5, 35.0480947161671), (-25.0, 13.397459621556134), (0.0, 13.397459621556134),
(-12.5, 35.0480947161671), (0.0, 13.397459621556134), (12.5, 35.0480947161671),
(12.5, 35.0480947161671), (0.0, 13.397459621556134), (25.0, 13.397459621556134),
(12.5, 35.0480947161671), (25.0, 13.397459621556134), (37.5, 35.0480947161671),
(37.5, 35.0480947161671), (25.0, 13.397459621556134), (50.0, 13.397459621556134)]