I want to make a hash of hash using the structure of an array. Each array element should be a subkey of the preceding array element. For example using the following arrays:
@array1 = ("animal","dog","sparky");
@array2 = ("animal","cat","felix");
@array3 = ("animal","bird","penguin","skipper");
I want to make a hash that is structured like this:
$hash{"animal"}{"dog"}{"sparky"} = 1;
%hash = (
"animal" => {
"dog" => {
"sparky" => "1",
"cat" => {
"felix" => "1",
"bird" => {
"penguin" => {
"skippy" => "1",
The arrays will not always have the same number of elements. But it should build the structure just the same.
Thanks for your help.
This is sounding like an XY problem to me - I'm very suspicious that you've 3 separate, numbered arrays.
But I'll answer on the off chance you're seeing a more general case - the trick to doing this sort of thing is using a hash reference to traverse and reset.
use Data::Dumper;
my %hash;
my @array1 = ("animal","bird","penguin","skipper");
my $cursor = \%hash;
foreach my $element ( @array1 ) {
$cursor -> {$element} //= {};
$cursor = $cursor -> {$element};
$cursor = 1;
print Dumper \%hash;
So we walk down your data structure; and create a subelement - using //=
to create a new subhash if - and only if - there isn't one defined already.
So for your whole set:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my %hash;
my @array1 = ( "animal", "dog", "sparky" );
my @array2 = ( "animal", "cat", "felix" );
my @array3 = ( "animal", "bird", "penguin", "skipper" );
my $cursor = \%hash;
foreach my $array ( \@array1, \@array2, \@array3 ) {
foreach my $element (@$array) {
$cursor->{$element} //= {};
$cursor = $cursor->{$element};
$cursor = 1;
$cursor = \%hash;
print Dumper \%hash;
Now note - this doesn't have quite the desired outcome, in that we create empty hashes to populate your structure with. So the bottom level is {}
- an empty hash - not the 1
you're seeking.
$VAR1 = {
'animal' => {
'dog' => {
'sparky' => {}
'bird' => {
'penguin' => {
'skipper' => {}
'cat' => {
'felix' => {}
But hopefully this gives you an idea how the problem can be solved?
It's worth looking at what autovivification is, and what it's doing - usually it's helpful, but for building this sort of data structure it may not be. We've explicitly created an empty subhash below each of your keys - but only if one doesn't exist already.
So in order to accomplish what you're trying to do - we actually need to handle the last element differently - we're not trying to create and empty subhash, we're attempting to set a value.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my %hash;
my @array1 = ( "animal", "dog", "sparky" );
my @array2 = ( "animal", "cat", "felix" );
my @array3 = ( "animal", "bird", "penguin", "skipper" );
my $cursor = \%hash;
foreach my $array ( \@array1, \@array2, \@array3 ) {
# remove the last value from the array
my $last = pop @$array;
foreach my $element (@$array) {
$cursor->{$element} //= {};
$cursor = $cursor->{$element};
#set the last value to be '1' instead of a subhash.
#Otherwise it'll be created by the //= line above, and be an empty hash.
$cursor -> {$last} = 1;
$cursor = \%hash;
print Dumper \%hash;
This gives us the desired result:
$VAR1 = {
'animal' => {
'dog' => {
'sparky' => 1
'bird' => {
'penguin' => {
'skipper' => 1
'cat' => {
'felix' => 1
Or you can look at Data::Diver
which approximately accomplishes the same thing.