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Slice level with glom

I have a nested structure like

target = \
   {'B1': 'a1b1',
    'B2': 'a1b2'
   {'B1': 'a2b1',
    'B2': 'a2b2'

how can I easily find all the items which have 'B2' in the second level (pandas terminology) i.e. ['a1b2', 'a2b2']?

I tried

glom(target, T[:, 'B2'])

glom(target, Path(Path(), Path('B2')))


  • I'm assuming the target you specified is a dictionary like so -

    import glom
    from glom import Coalesce, SKIP
    target = \
       {'B1': 'a1b1',
        'B2': 'a1b2'
       {'B1': 'a2b1',
        'B2': 'a2b2'
       {'B1': 'a2b1',
    # We don't care about the outer key in the dictionary
    # so we get only the inner dictionary by using values()
    data = target.values()
    # In the spec, we access the path "B2". 
    # Coalesce allows us to skip the item if it does not contain "B2"
    spec = [Coalesce("B2",default=SKIP)]
    # ['a1b2', 'a2b2']