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How to export data from UI5 to Excel with custom file name

I'd like to download the table as an Excel file. But when the function is triggered, it always downloads as "data.csv" by default. I want a different name for the file. So how can I change the name of the downloaded file into something else?

{ // Snippet from my controller
  toExcel: function () {
    var oExport = new Export({
      exportType: new ExportTypeCSV({ // required from "sap/ui/core/util/ExportTypeCSV"
        separatorChar: ",",
        charset: "utf-8"
      models: this.getView().getModel("oListOrderMod_rent"),
      rows: { path: "/" },
      columns: [
          name: "Tenant Name",
          template: {
            content: "{tentName}"
          name: "Address",
          template: {
            content: "{h_address}"
        // ...
    oExport.saveFile().catch(function(oError) {
      MessageBox.error("Error when downloading data. ..." + oError);
    }).then(function() {


Clicking that button downloads the file. I want it to say something other than "data.csv"


  • Solution is quite obvious if you take a look into the API description:

    The method saveFile has a parameter which is the filename.

    So just pass that parameter.

        .catch(function (oError) {
            // ...
        .then(function () {
            // ...