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Define a predicate that holds of both numeral and their negative and enumerate them

I need to define a predicate plusminus(X). that holds of 2 numerals, s(0) which is the successor of 0 meaning s(s(s(0))) = 3 and their negatives p(0) which represents -1 meaning p(p(p(0))) = -3 and can be enumerated such that:

? plusminus(X).
  X = 0 ? ;
  X = s(0) ? ;
  X = p(0) ? ;
  X = s(s(0)) ? ;
  X = p(p(0)) ? ;
  X = s(s(s(0))) ? ;
  X = p(p(p(0))) ? ;

I have the following solution but I don't get it in the same order as I want it to be,

negative(0, 0).
negative(s(X), p(Y)) :- negative(X, Y). 

plusminus(X) :- negative(X, _).

How do I change the following to get me the output I desire?


  • This answer is a bit bigger, but it demonstrates a more general point about enumerating answers fairly: If you define a "size" measure for your objects, you can force enumeration by increasing size.

    First, a definition of numerals, which are either 0 or positive or negative:

    numeral(X) :-
    numeral(X) :-
    positive(s(X)) :-
    negative(p(X)) :-


    ?- numeral(N).
    N = 0 ;
    N = s(0) ;
    N = s(s(0)) ;
    N = s(s(s(0))) .

    We can see that this is unfair: It does not generate negative numbers. It does accept them, however:

    ?- numeral(p(p(p(0)))).
    true ;

    In this particular case we can force enumeration of negative numbers (only):

    ?- Negative = p(_), numeral(Negative).
    Negative = p(0) ;
    Negative = p(p(0)) ;
    Negative = p(p(p(0))) ;
    Negative = p(p(p(p(0)))) .

    Unlike the other answer, this doesn't accept numerals with mixed constructor symbols:

    ?- numeral(p(s(p(0)))).

    Now for the "size" measure. This is basically just the absolute value of a numeral. We define it separately for positive and negative numerals, as before:

    numeral_size(0, 0).
    numeral_size(Positive, Size) :-
        positive_size(Positive, Size).
    numeral_size(Negative, Size) :-
        negative_size(Negative, Size).
    positive_size(s(0), s(0)).
    positive_size(s(X), s(Size)) :-
        positive_size(X, Size).
    negative_size(p(0), s(0)).
    negative_size(p(X), s(Size)) :-
        negative_size(X, Size).

    (Note that this is the same as the definition of numeral/1, just with an extra size argument everywhere.)

    Now plusminus/1 can first enumerate (non-negative) numerals for 0, 1, 2, 3, etc., as the size of each expected answer. Then it enumerates numerals with these sizes; this will force the wanted overall enumeration order of 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, ...

    plusminus(X) :-
        numeral_size(X, Size).


    ?- plusminus(X).
    X = 0 ;
    X = s(0) ;
    X = p(0) ;
    X = s(s(0)) ;
    X = p(p(0)) ;
    X = s(s(s(0))) ;
    X = p(p(p(0))) ;
    X = s(s(s(s(0)))) ;
    X = p(p(p(p(0)))) .

    This is a very general pattern: For example, if you have a predicate describing lists, and you want to enumerate them fairly by increasing size, stick a goal length(List, _N) in front of it. This is the "size" predicate that will force enumeration of lists by size 0, 1, 2, etc.