I'm trying to add an icon inside my app only if a condition is True, also I want it to be added dynamically, Here's a pseudo-code which I am trying to work in:
subtitle: Row(
children: <Widget>[
child: HebrewText(helpRequest.description),
//alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 8, left: 8),
onTap: ()=>{
if(helpRequest.handler_id != null) {
} ,
child: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
child: Icon(
size: 20.0,
color: BasicColor.clr,
I want the gestureDetector to be add to this row only if a condition is true, Tries to add if condition before the GestureDetector() but it didn't work, is there any simple way to make it?
As you see in my code I put the if condition inside the OnTap, I want to make it on the GestureDetector
Try this
null != helpRequest.handler_id ? GestureDetector(
onTap: _launchCaller ,
child: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
child: Icon(
size: 20.0,
color: BasicColor.clr,),
) : SizedBox(),