I need to type some props and arguments Here is part of code. How should I write createAction correctly?
const onSubmitHandler = (userFormData: TuserDataFromForm) => {
console.log("this work");
// here is error - userFormData
function* watchFunc() {
// here is error - asyncAction.type
yield takeEvery(asyncAction.type, workFunc);
// What should I write instead of any
// to not get error here - dispatch(asyncAction(userFormData)) - in Component
// and here - takeEvery(asyncAction.type, workFunc) - in sagas
const asyncAction: any = createAction("ASYNC_ACTION");
Here is full code:
The redux toolkit types are written with the thought that you should not define them yourself.
const asyncAction = createAction<TuserDataFromForm>("ASYNC_ACTION");
There is no point of specifying a type for the variable there.
In the future, please check the API documentation in the future - it is almost completely available in TypeScript.
As for usage in saga, do either of
yield takeEvery(asyncAction, workFunc);
// or
yield takeEvery(asyncAction.match, workFunc);
You also might want to take a look at typed-redux-saga as that integrates a lot better with TS:
import { take } from "redux-saga/effects";
function* exampleSaga() {
// cannot be inferred and needs to be manually typed
const action: IncrementActionType = yield take(slice.actions.incrementBy);
import { take } from "typed-redux-saga";
function* exampleSaga() {
// correctly inferred as { payload: number; type: string; }
const action = yield* take(slice.actions.incrementBy);