I'm new to SwiftUI and have been following along with @peter-friese's example SwiftUI/Firebase app.
My example app works perfectly, but am now trying to modify slightly but am unable to get the correct keypath syntax of in the assign/map
in order to set a property.
Relevantly (and slightly simplified), there is a struct for the data model:
struct Task: Codable, Identifiable {
var title: String
var status: Bool
var flag: Bool
and a class for a view model:
class TaskCellViewModel {
@Published var task: Task
var iconName:String = ""
In this tutorial a map/assign
is used within the TaskCellViewModel
to set the value of the iconName
property in the instance of the TaskCellViewModel
as follows:
private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
init(task: Task) {
self.task = task
.map { task in
task.status ? "checkmark.circle.fill" : "circle"
.assign(to: \.iconName, on: self)
.store(in: &cancellables)
This works for setting the iconName
. What is the correct syntax to set the flag
property on the Task
I have tried various combinations but none work, including:
.assign(to .\Task.task.flag, on: self)
.assign(to .\task.flag, on: self)
.assign(to .\Task.task.flag, on: TaskCellViewModel)
Using Task.task.flag
it fails at runtime with EXC_BAD_ACCESS
error or a type conversion compile error:
Cannot convert value of type
to expected argument typeAnswerRowViewModel
PS given I'm learning and trying to follow along with the tutorials, I'm hoping for a answer to the assign/map question - as opposed to a workaround/alternative.
Use sink
.sink { [weak self] flag in
self?.task.flag = flag