I am trying to draw table in latex but when I compile my latex file it misses one boarder line of the table as you can see in this image. I have tried all possible way but no luck if any one can help. Here is the image that shows missing boarder line in bottom
and this is my code that i use to generate table
\begin{adjustbox}{max width=\textwidth}
Feature Extraction & Feature selection & classifier & Accuracy & precision & recall \\ \hline
\multirow{7}{*}{GLCM, GLDM, Texture Feature} & \multirow{7}{*}{X} & SVM & 89.02 & 86.36 & 77.24 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & DT & 85.37 & 75 & 80.49 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & SVM-RBF & 92.68 & 94.57 & 70.73 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & LR & 89.02 & 80.34 & 76.42 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & NB & 68.7 & 78.95 & 48.78 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & KNN & 92.28 & 93.4 & 80.49 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & Rf & 87.4 & 98.94 & 75.61 \\ \cline{2-6}
\multirow{7}{*}{} & \multirow{7}{*}{PCA} & SVM & 59.35 & 82.5 & 26.83 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & DT & 61.38 & 60.53 & 56.1 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & SVM-RBF & 64.63 & 81.25 & 42.28 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & LR & 57.72 & 80.39 & 33.33 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & NB & 60.16 & 71.19 & 34.15 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & KNN & 60.57 & 57.84 & 47.97 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & RF & 64.63 & 78.21 & 49.59 \\ \cline{2-6}
\multirow{7}{*}{} & \multirow{7}{*}{Univariate selection} & SVM & 84.55 & 78.02 & 57.72 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & DT & 80.89 & 71.12 & 72.36 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & SVM-RBF & 84.55 & 78.16 & 55.28 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & LR & 82.52 & 78.57 & 62.6 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & NB & 70.73 & 83.33 & 44.72 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & KNN & 83.74 & 69.49 & 66.67 \\ \cline{3-6}
& & RF & 80.08 & 75.51 & 60.16 \\ \cline{2-6}
Your last \cline{2-6}
must be a \hline
command instead. Then you're ok :)