Trying to access/ check the key in dictionary and add values.
initially returns nil
Why "nil coalescing" doesn't work here?
var myDict = [String : [Int]]()
myDict["Algebra"]?.append(contentsOf: [98,78,83,92]) ?? myDict["Algebra"] = [98,78,83,92]
Trying use like yours give you and error : Left side of mutating operator has immutable type '[Int]?'
By putting parentheses it will be no compile error and it will work
var myDict = [String : [Int]]()
myDict["Algebra"]?.append(contentsOf: [98,78,83,92]) ?? (myDict["Algebra"] = [98,78,83,92])
print(myDict) // ["Algebra": [98, 78, 83, 92]]
Swift Documentation is here for Infix Operators.