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delete all the data that start with the same key from the database "quick.db"

Hello guys i'm trying to delete all the data that start with modapp_${}

i try to use :

let money = db.all().filter(a => a.ID.startsWith(`modapp_${}`))

but it's give me this error SQLite3 can only bind numbers, strings, bigints, buffers, and null

can anyone help me pls


  • If you look at the Quick.db Documentation You will see that .delete() accepts a key but .all() gives you an array of values, they do not mention the return type, after looking at the source code it turns out that you get objects with ID and data as properties, you can map the id's and call delete for each one of them

    let money = db.all()
      .map(entry => entry.ID)
      .filter(id => id.startsWith(`modapp_${}`))

    Alternatively you could use Array#reduce to only loop once, mentioning this as an alternative since you would otherwise be looping 3 times

    let money = db.all().reduce((acc, val) => {
      if (val.ID.startsWith(`modapp_${}`)) {
      return acc
    }, [])