How to upload image files to google keep using selenium.
Please reply as soon as possible.
I have tried to find the hidden input tag but it was unsuccessful and I don't want to use pyautogui or any other GUI automation framework JUST SELENIUM.
Please reply as soon as possible.
Question is unclear. Selenium can't programmatically upload anything, you'd need a request framework to hit the Google Keep API (if there is one) to do that.
You can use Selenium to navigate the DOM of Google Keep and follow the exact same process as you would by doing it manually. However, once you're trying to find the files on disk, the prompt for this is no longer part of the DOM - I do not believe selenium can interact with this, it would still require manual intervention.
Based on this answer, and the other answers to the same question, - it seems like people have had luck using AutoIT.
Edit from the comments:
I found this - which uses a combination of Selenium and C# to interact with the dialog window, you'd have to either do this in C# or find something that you can do the same thing with in python