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Formatting numbers with hugrex function in huxtable

Function huxreg in the huxtable package automatically recognises numbers and formats them as predefined in the number_format = "%.3f" option. I would like to report confidence intervals in my report and use the CI95: prefix. Unfortunately, the numerical part of the prefix is automatically formatted and the prefix looks like CI95.000.

Let's consider following example:

data <- data.frame(y = rnorm(10), x=rnorm(10))
fit <- lm(y ~ x, data)

     ci_level = 0.95,
     error_pos = "below",
     error_format = "CI95: ({conf.low}, {conf.high})" )

enter image description here

Is there any way to get the CI95 as intended? I have tried numeric to character conversions with no success. Thanks!


  • While not optimal, you could perhaps add , number_format = c("%.3f", "%.3g", "%.3f", "%.3g") to your huxreg call to specifically affect the formatting of the CI95 rows of your table (or save the output as an object and then modify the attribute elements that define the formatting of those lines, e.g. do attr(res, "number_format")[[13]] <- "%.3g", etc.). Other than that I could only think of somehow modifying the underlying glue transformer that transforms the entire string and leaves all numeric elements with the same formatting.