I use Django 2.2.12 and Celery 4.4.7
I have some functions (e.g.: downloadpictures) that need to be both used as a view and as a scheduled recurring task. What is the best way to set it up ? Below code generates the following error message :
NameError: name 'downloadpictures' is not defined
def downloadpictures(request=None):
from downloadapp import downloadpictures
def downloadpicturesregular():
app.conf.beat_schedule = {
'task': 'downloadapp.tasks.downloadpicturesregular',
'schedule': crontab(hour=18, minute=40, day_of_week='thu,sun'),
Typically your views need to know about your tasks while your tasks don't care about the views. If your application fits that assumption, you should pull the logic out into a third module or into the tasks.py
function. Then call that function from both the task and view, or call the task from the view.