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Using dropdown menu and referencing query results

I am hoping this is an easy one I just don't know how to google the right answer.

I have a dropdown that is populated using a query.

<cfquery name="getFruits" datasource="#application.dsnName#" username="#application.dsnUser#" password="#application.dsnPass#">
SELECT TOP 3 fruit, color, size FROM fruit_table

<cfselect name="fruits" query="getFruits" display="fruit" value="fruit" selected="#form.fruit#" queryPosition="below" required="yes" >
<option value="">Select Fruit</option>

Is it possible when a user selects a 'fruit' from the dropdown to reference the 'size' and 'color' both associated with the 'fruit' they chose in another query?

For example:

<cfquery name="getFruits" datasource="#application.dsnName#" username="#application.dsnUser#" password="#application.dsnPass#">
SELECT vegetable FROM vegetable_table WHERE size = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="50" value="#form.size#"> AND color = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="50" value="#form.color#">



  • When your form gets submitted, the value form.fruits gets posted without the color and size attributes. So the way you would recode your <cfquery> (which I renamed to "getVegetables") to get those attributes from the selected fruit would be like this.

    <cfquery name="getVegetables" datasource="#application.dsnName#" username="#application.dsnUser#" password="#application.dsnPass#">
        WHERE (size, color) IN
                size, color 
                fruit = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="50" value="#form.fruits#">)

    BTW, I'm not a fan of using <cfselect> or any <cfform> tags, but that wasn't your question. However, I would highly suggest discarding it and refactoring your code.

    EDIT (second attempt):

    As an alternate answer, if you want to pass the size,color columns concatenated with a comma and aliased as sizeColor from the form instead of the the fruit column from your <cfquery>, then what you can do instead is change the first select statement to

    <cfquery name="getFruits" datasource="#application.dsnName#" username="#application.dsnUser#" password="#application.dsnPass#">
    size || ',' || color AS sizeColor 
    FROM fruit_table

    then change the value attribute to value="sizeColor" in your <cfselect> which will be the aforementioned comma delimited list of the size and color. So the code would instead be

    <cfselect name="fruits" query="getFruits" display="fruit" value="sizeColor" selected="#form.fruit#" queryPosition="below" required="yes" >
    <option value="">Select Fruit</option>

    Then you can change the <cfquery> on the posted page to this.

    <cfquery name="getVegetables" datasource="#application.dsnName#" username="#application.dsnUser#" password="#application.dsnPass#">
    SELECT vegetable FROM vegetable_table 
        size = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="50" value="#form.fruits.listGetAt(1)#"> AND 
        color = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="50" value="#form.fruits.listGetAt(2)#">