I am currently working on an iOS Jailbreak for iOS 13.7.
As part of the jailbreak, I need to do a series of patches to the XNU Kernel live in the memory.
Of course, the kernel is protected by kASLR
, and other memory watchdogs that would trigger a Kernel Panic if something is modified.
As luck would have it, KTRR
(Kernel Text Ready Only Region) can only protect, well, static data that is not supposed to change (i.e. the TEXT
section and constants). The variables can still be altered.
I am building a PatchFinder which is supposed to locate a function or a variable in the XNU memory based on tell-tale symbols and I am wondering what would be the most effective approach for this.
I am currently adapting on top of the PatchFinder made publicly available back in the iOS 8 era by in7egal
which looks like this:
uint32_t find_cs_enforcement_disable_amfi(uint32_t region, uint8_t* kdata, size_t ksize)
// Find a function referencing cs_enforcement_disable_amfi
const uint8_t search_function[] = {0x20, 0x68, 0x40, 0xF4, 0x40, 0x70, 0x20, 0x60, 0x00, 0x20, 0x90, 0xBD};
uint8_t* ptr = memmem(kdata, ksize, search_function, sizeof(search_function));
return 0;
// Only LDRB in there should try to dereference cs_enforcement_disable_amfi
uint16_t* ldrb = find_last_insn_matching(region, kdata, ksize, (uint16_t*) ptr, insn_is_ldrb_imm);
return 0;
// Weird, not the right one.
if(insn_ldrb_imm_imm(ldrb) != 0 || insn_ldrb_imm_rt(ldrb) > 12)
return 0;
// See what address that LDRB is dereferencing
return find_pc_rel_value(region, kdata, ksize, ldrb, insn_ldrb_imm_rn(ldrb));
I wonder if there is any faster way or a more reliable way to locate the cs_enforcement_disable_amfi
Once found by the PatchFinder in the XNU Kernel memory, it's used like this:
uint32_t cs_enforcement_disable_amfi = find_cs_enforcement_disable_amfi(kernel_base, kdata, ksize);
printf("cs_enforcement_disable_amfi is at=0x%08x\n",cs_enforcement_disable_amfi);
if (cs_enforcement_disable_amfi){
char patch[] ="\x00\xbf\x00\xbf\x00\xbf\x00\xbf\x00\xbf";
kern_return_t kernret = vm_write(proccessTask, cs_enforcement_disable_amfi+kernel_base, patch, sizeof(patch)-1);
if (kernret == KERN_SUCCESS){
printf("Successfully patched cs_enforcement_disable_amfi\n");
So the PatchFinder has to be able to reliably return the pointer to cs_enforcement_disable_amfi
otherwise I am blindly writing to an invalid (or valid but different) address which almost certainly will trigger memory corruption.
The current code does return a valid pointer to cs_enforcement_disable_amfi
most of the time, but randomly panics the kernel about 10-15% of the time which means the address it returns 10-15% of the time is invalid. Not sure how to make it more reliable.
The variable you're looking for doesn't exist anymore.
The bytes in your first snippet make up Thumb instructions, which find this function in AMFI in a 32bit kernelcache:
0x8074ad04 90b5 push {r4, r7, lr}
0x8074ad06 01af add r7, sp, 4
0x8074ad08 0d48 ldr r0, [0x8074ad40]
0x8074ad0a 7844 add r0, pc
0x8074ad0c 0078 ldrb r0, [r0]
0x8074ad0e 0128 cmp r0, 1
0x8074ad10 03d1 bne 0x8074ad1a
0x8074ad12 0020 movs r0, 0
0x8074ad14 00f04efa bl 0x8074b1b4
0x8074ad18 30b9 cbnz r0, 0x8074ad28
0x8074ad1a 7c69 ldr r4, [r7, 0x14]
0x8074ad1c 002c cmp r4, 0
0x8074ad1e 05d0 beq 0x8074ad2c
0x8074ad20 2068 ldr r0, [r4]
0x8074ad22 40f44070 orr r0, r0, 0x300
0x8074ad26 2060 str r0, [r4]
0x8074ad28 0020 movs r0, 0
0x8074ad2a 90bd pop {r4, r7, pc}
Given the magic constant 0x300
and the fact that AMFI's __TEXT_EXEC
segment is quite small, we can easily find this in other kernels, including 64bit ones.
This is what it looks like on an iPhone 5s on 8.4:
0xffffff800268d2e4 f44fbea9 stp x20, x19, [sp, -0x20]!
0xffffff800268d2e8 fd7b01a9 stp x29, x30, [sp, 0x10]
0xffffff800268d2ec fd430091 add x29, sp, 0x10
0xffffff800268d2f0 f30307aa mov x19, x7
0xffffff800268d2f4 e8fc1110 adr x8, section.com.apple.driver.AppleMobileFileIntegrity.10.__DATA.__bss
0xffffff800268d2f8 1f2003d5 nop
0xffffff800268d2fc 08054039 ldrb w8, [x8, 1]
0xffffff800268d300 a8000037 tbnz w8, 0, 0xffffff800268d314
0xffffff800268d304 130100b4 cbz x19, 0xffffff800268d324
0xffffff800268d308 680240b9 ldr w8, [x19]
0xffffff800268d30c 08051832 orr w8, w8, 0x300
0xffffff800268d310 680200b9 str w8, [x19]
0xffffff800268d314 00008052 mov w0, 0
0xffffff800268d318 fd7b41a9 ldp x29, x30, [sp, 0x10]
0xffffff800268d31c f44fc2a8 ldp x20, x19, [sp], 0x20
0xffffff800268d320 c0035fd6 ret
But by the time of iOS 11, the variable is gone:
0xfffffff006245d84 f44fbea9 stp x20, x19, [sp, -0x20]!
0xfffffff006245d88 fd7b01a9 stp x29, x30, [sp, 0x10]
0xfffffff006245d8c fd430091 add x29, sp, 0x10
0xfffffff006245d90 f30307aa mov x19, x7
0xfffffff006245d94 130100b4 cbz x19, 0xfffffff006245db4
0xfffffff006245d98 680240b9 ldr w8, [x19]
0xfffffff006245d9c 08051832 orr w8, w8, 0x300
0xfffffff006245da0 680200b9 str w8, [x19]
0xfffffff006245da4 00008052 mov w0, 0
0xfffffff006245da8 fd7b41a9 ldp x29, x30, [sp, 0x10]
0xfffffff006245dac f44fc2a8 ldp x20, x19, [sp], 0x20
0xfffffff006245db0 c0035fd6 ret
Looking at iOS 12.0b1, we can learn the signature of that function:
_vnode_check_exec(ucred*, vnode*, vnode*, label*, label*, label*, componentname*, unsigned int*, void*, unsigned long)
So yeah, finding this function is really easy:
segment.orr wN, wN, 0x300
in it.But that won't help you unless you defeat kernel integrity.