I'm trying to copy the enum values between two columns in a table. The the two enum types have the same enum values:
UPDATE dogs SET breed = breed_old;
ERROR: column "breed" is of type "breed" but expression is of type "breed_old"
I've also tried:
UPDATE dogs SET breed = breed_old::text;
ERROR: column "breed" is of type "breed" but expression is of type text
Any help would be appreciated.
create type foo as enum ('a','b');
create type bar as enum ('a','b');
select 'a'::foo;
│ foo │
│ a │
select 'a'::foo::text;
│ text │
│ a │
select 'a'::foo::text::bar;
│ bar │
│ a │
Or probably more convenient:
update dogs set
breed = case breed_old
when 'val1' then 'val1'::breed
when 'val2' then 'val2'::breed