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SQL Server: Rewrite recursive CTE to substitute for option maxrecursion in a View

I ran into the issue that we cannot use underneath query inside a view, but only in a table. Unfortunately we deal with the situation that we don't have tables as an option for this project.

I am curious whether someone knows in what direction I should look for to substitute for underneath logic:

What I try to do is create a record for each day within a date range, by doing the following query:

        ,COALESCE(TableDateRange.endDate, '2099-12-31') AS endDate
    FROM TableDateRange
        ,DATEADD(DAY, 1, CTE_PerDay.beginDate) AS beginDate
    FROM CTE_PerDay 
    WHERE GETDATE() > DATEADD(DAY, 1, CTE_PerDay.beginDate)

OPTION (maxrecursion 0)

Sample Dataset TableDataRange

ObjectId Amount beginDate endDate
1 500 2020-01-03
2 35 2015-05-31 2019-10-01
3 200 2017-03-15 2020-06-02
     ObjectId   varchar(300),
     Amount     int,
     beginDate  date,
     endDate    date

INSERT INTO TableDateRange ( ObjectId , Amount , beginDate , endDate )
    ('1', 500, '2020-01-03', NULL),
    ('2', 35, '2015-05-31', '2019-10-01'),
    ('3', 200, '2017-03-15', '2020-06-02');

So the query runs fine, however in a view I can't use the OPTION functionality, and without it I get the error 'The statement terminated. The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion.' Any suggestions?


  • You could use a tally: that's a set-based solution, that performs better than recursion when the number of iterations increases - and it is supported in views.

    Here is an approach:

    select t.objectid, t.amount, dateadd(day, x.n, t.begindate) as dt
    from (
        select row_number() over (order by (select null)) - 1
        from (values(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) a(n)
        cross join (values(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) b(n)
        cross join (values(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) c(n)
    ) x(n)
    inner join tabledatarange t
        on dateadd(day, x.n, t.begindate) <= case 
            when enddate <= convert(date, getdate()) then enddate
            else convert(date, getdate())

    The tally generates all numbers between 0 and 999 (you can easily expand it by adding cross joins). We use it to "multiply" the rows of the original table and generate the date range.

    I attempted to rewrite the part the handles the end date. I understand that you don't want future dates, so that's what the condition in the on clause does.

    For this sample data:

    ObjectId | Amount | beginDate  | endDate   
    -------: | -----: | :--------- | :---------
           1 |    500 | 2020-12-28 | null      
           2 |     35 | 2019-09-26 | 2019-10-01
           3 |    200 | 2020-05-28 | 2020-06-02

    The query returns:

    objectid | amount | dt        
    -------: | -----: | :---------
           1 |    500 | 2020-12-28
           1 |    500 | 2020-12-29
           1 |    500 | 2020-12-30
           1 |    500 | 2020-12-31
           2 |     35 | 2019-09-26
           2 |     35 | 2019-09-27
           2 |     35 | 2019-09-28
           2 |     35 | 2019-09-29
           2 |     35 | 2019-09-30
           2 |     35 | 2019-10-01
           3 |    200 | 2020-05-28
           3 |    200 | 2020-05-29
           3 |    200 | 2020-05-30
           3 |    200 | 2020-05-31
           3 |    200 | 2020-06-01
           3 |    200 | 2020-06-02

    Demo on DB Fiddle