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Parsing Json that contains name value pairs in Angular 9

I'm wanting to simply display each entry as a row in a html table, currently i get the following

Id id:1

taskFields:[object Object],[object Object], [object Object]

Instead i want to be able to see the values hidden in the object Object

I have an angular template of

<tr *ngFor="let entry of entries | keyvalue">

In my component.ts file i have

  this.entries = this.testService.getData().pipe((result) =>{
    return result

In my testService i have

getData() : Observable<TestEntry[]>{
return this.httpClient.get<TestEntry[]>(this.baseUrl + '/api/Test'/)
  catchError(error => {throw err;})

this returns the following data

{"id":1,"testFields":[{"name":"test_id","value":"12345"},{"name":"testCategory", "value":"testAngular"}, {"name":"testUndefined", "value":""}]}

My TestEntry is

export interface TestEntry{

My TestFields is

export interface TestFields{


  • You need to iterate over the value if it is an array. Use the following:

        <tr *ngFor="let entry of entries | keyvalue">
            <!-- If value is array iterate over it-->
            <ng-container *ngIf="entry.value && entry.value.length > 0; else obj">
                <td *ngFor="let inner of entry.value">{{}} : {{inner.value}}</td>
            <!-- If value is object display it-->
            <ng-template #obj>