I have to make a single submit.
But i will show the user 4 forms dynamically
fields: any = [
{ label: "firstname", name: "first" },
{ label: "lastname", name: "last" },
{ label: "Date", name: "fromDate", type: "date" },
{ label: "To Date", name: "toDate", type: "date" },
{ label: "firstname", name: "first" },
{ label: "lastname", name: "last" },
{ label: "age", name: "age"},
{ label: "address", name: "add" },
{ label: "firstname", name: "first" },
{ label: "lastname", name: "last" },
{ label: "mobile", name: "mob" },
now using these fields i made my html dynamic with multiple submit button. you may see they have sometimes same form control name, sometimes diff form control name.
name field inside obj, will actually been given to formControlName dynamically.
the problem is:
I have multiple forms in one page
Form 1 with submit button
Form 2 with submit button
Form 3 with submit button
Form 4 with submit button
These from have diffn control name & label but look similar so I made it dynamic
But problem is Formbuilder
How can I make that Dynamic.
In order to build your form dynamically you should define FormGroup and build your form using formBuilder based on what you want, for example: Component.ts
import { FormGroup, FormBuilder, Validators, FormControl} from '@angular/forms';
constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) { }
ngOnInit() {
//Call the Create function
public myFormGroup : FormGroup;
formIndex = 0; // The index of fields array, Form you want to build
fields: any = [
{ label: "firstname", name: "first" },
{ label: "lastname", name: "last" },
{ label: "Date", name: "fromDate", type: "date" },
{ label: "To Date", name: "toDate", type: "date" },
{ label: "firstname", name: "first" },
{ label: "lastname", name: "last" },
{ label: "age", name: "age"},
{ label: "address", name: "add" },
{ label: "firstname", name: "first" },
{ label: "lastname", name: "last" },
{ label: "mobile", name: "mob" },
private createDynamicForm(formIndex) { //create form based on fields array
this.myFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group(this.createFormGroup(formIndex));
private createFormGroup(formIndex){ // define each field name and validator - defualt value ...etc
var _group = {}
for (var i = 0; i < this.fields[formIndex].length; ++i) {
_group[this.fields[formIndex][i].name] = ['',Validators.required]
return _group;
submitDynamicForm(formIndex){ // I'm Just log the input @todo
for (var i = 0; i < this.fields[formIndex].length; ++i) {
and your template should be like this
<form [formGroup]="myFormGroup" (ngSubmit)="submitDynamicForm(formIndex)">
<div *ngFor="let inputField of fields[formIndex]">
<input type="text" id="{{inputField.name}}_id" [formControlName]="inputField.name">
<label for="{{inputField.name}}_id">{{inputField.label}}</label>
<input type="submit" [disabled]="!myFormGroup.valid" type="submit" value="submit">