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Define Enum with strong-typedef CPP

While defining a network-message struct:

  1. Want to hold the Op field as an Enum (so to limit the allowed values).
  2. Need to keep all fields as unsigned, and the Op specifically to be uint32_t.

Is there a way to combine these requirements? something like: typedef enum Op : uint32_t {save = 100, retrieve = 101, delete = 200};


  • "100" "101" "200

    Well, I don't quite understand what these strings mean? Your question is not very clear to me.

    It sounds like what you want is enum class (Scoped enumerations).

    enum class Op : uint32_t
        _100 = 100,
        _101 = 101,
        _200 = 200

    limit the allowed values


    Need to keep all fields as unsigned, and the Op specifically to be uint32_t.


    You should name these enumerators something meaningful, rather than the same as the value.

    According to your edited post:

    enum class Op : uint32_t
        save = 100,
        retrieve = 101,
        delete_ = 200