I am pretty new to Postgres, and I am making a mock database that manages students for a university so I can get a better understanding of how Postgres works.
I am creating a student table that has columns for student id, enrollment date, grad year, first/last name, and a university email address. At the moment I just have the email column set to NOT NULL and the user has to enter their own email address, but clearly this is not how email addresses at a university work.
I was wondering if there was a way to make the email be created dynamically based off of what the user inputs as their first and last name. For example, if I were to run the following query:
INSERT INTO students (first_name, last_name) VALUES ('bob', 'smith');
An email address would be created on the fly for bob smith in the format 'bobsmith@university.com', so my table would look like:
student_id | enrollment_date | grad_year | email | student_first | student_last
2 | 2020-12-28 | 2024 | bobsmith@university.com | bob | smith
Is there a way that I can create a function that takes the values from the student_first and student_last columns and create an email based on them?
Any links to readable documentation would be useful.
There are couple ways to accomplish what you want: a function/procedure or a (I hate to say) a Trugger. However, generated column will not work in this case: What happens when a second student "Bob Smith" registers. You can use a function to generate the email address - with a number, if needed, to make it unique.
create or replace
function generate_email_address(first_name_in text
,last_name_in text
returns text
language sql
as $$
with email(num) as
( select count(*)
from students
where lower(first_name) = lower(first_name_in)
and lower(last_name) = lower(last_name_in)
select lower(first_name_in) ||
lower(last_name_in) ||
case when num = 0 then '' else to_char(num+1,'FM99') end ||
from email;
See example: