I'm goin mad.
I'm using XCode 4 and finally i finished my app,and i was about to submit it to App Store,uploading to iTunes Connect. I tried to to Build for Archive but this warning showed up:
Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. (-19011)
I've googled all day long,i've tried to renew all my certificates in Provisioning Center,i've even tried to upload it with Application loader but anything happened. Same error there too. I've tried to validate it through the Archive tab in Organizer but anything, this warning won't go away.
I've read some answers here, and even if the answers were a bit old, anything worked for me, i've tried to reinstall XCode too,i've tried to select the right profile on Build in Targets..
Thanks to anyone who will help me
When i try to start a new project and select "Build for Archive" and then Archive, the warning appears but i can still share the archive as ipa. I tried to copy all the files from my old project into the new one, build for archive, archived. But when i select "Share" as .ipa it shows an error
The operation couldn't be completed. No such files or directory.
May this be 'cause i added 2 frameworks to my project to work? Should i select something from Target,or Project? Also,i want to say that all my profiles are ok, certificates etc. I've tried to bypass the error -19011 by turning on NO "Validate built product".
EDIT2: The -19011 doesn't show up anymore, but when i try to validate or submit,i got this error:
The archive is invalid. var/folders/*randomnumbers* app.ipa does not exist.
What am i supposed to do in this case? I've already read some of the answers but none worked.
I solved, thanks to the help of an Apple Technic Engineer, this way:
In targets, on Build Settings - Product name, I had the name of the app with spaces and special characters (?
character). After changing that and changing the Bundle Name too, I solved all the problems I got with that.
Hope this will help someone, one day.