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How do you store multiple rows of data for a key and also maintain good normalization practices?

Imagine in one data table, you had a person and their exam scores for different categories (math/science/english) and for different exam numbers (1, 2). Like so:

Person Math Science
Bob 88 76
Bob 90 99
Joe 48 46
Joe 70 69

Would it be better to normalize this table by expanding column-wise (so, we have a math1 and science1 column and a math2 and science 2 column, or just adding a row_id column?


  • What you are describing is a many-to-many (m:m) relationship, while dancing around implementing it. Your m:m is between entities Persons and Subject (categories), each of which becomes a table. You then resolve the m:m by creating a third table - call it exams.

    create table persons ( person_id integer generated always as identity 
                         , name  text 
                         -- other attributes strictly about each person
                         , constraint persons_pk
                                      primary key (person_id) 
                         ) ; 
    create table subjects ( subject_id integer generated always as identity 
                          , name  text 
                          , description text
                          -- other attributes strictly about each subject 
                          , constraint subjects_pk
                                       primary key (subject_id) 
                          ) ; 
    create table exams ( person_id   integer  
                       , subject_id  integer
                       , exam_date   date   
                       , score       integer
                       -- other attributes strictly about each exam
                       , constraint exams_pk
                                    primary key (person_id, subject_id,  exam_date) 
                       , constraint exams2persons_fk
                                    foreign key (person_id)
                                    references persons(person_id)
                       , constraint exams2subject_fk
                                    foreign key (subject_id)
                                    references subjects(subject_id)                                
                       ) ; 

    Note: the above is still a very simplified example but should provide guidance for resolving this type design issue. See fiddle for worked example.