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Combinations by changing 3 or more places in a string

The code below takes a string, then in p = there is a mapping for every index that can be changed and with what characters. For example d1 is atp[0], so the character a (at string[0]) can be replaced by d or 1. The number of characters that have to change at a time is limited to the number 3.

from itertools import combinations, product

string = "abc123" 

p = ["d1", "c3", "", "", "0", "56"]

d = {idx: (v if string[idx] in v else string[idx]+v) for idx, v in enumerate(p)} 

all_of_em = (''.join(whatever) for whatever in product(*d.values()))

fewer = [w for w in all_of_em if sum(a != b for a, b in zip(w, string)) == 3]

with open("list.txt","w") as f: 
    for w in fewer: 

As a result of the above code, we find all possible combinations if we change 3 places in a string with the specified alternative characters in p.


The goal is to print the results faster, for example these lines should be changed I think:

with open("list.txt","w") as f: 
    for w in fewer: 

So the output will be saved as python3 >> list.txt

Will enjoy to learn from your solution.


  • Your solution is based on a brute force approach. You are generating all possible alternative strings and then filtering out the ones that do not meet the criteria of only 3 changes. A better approach would be to look only at those combinations that will meet the criteria. I will ignore the part of saving to a file, since it will be the same for both solutions. A faster solution would be:

    def change_string(input_string, mapping, replace=3):
        input_string = list(input_string)
        to_replace = dict()
        for idx, replacement in enumerate(mapping):
            if not replacement: continue
            to_replace[idx] = replacement
            if input_string[idx] in replacement:
                to_replace[idx] = [char for char in replacement if char != mapping[idx]]
        for indices in combinations(to_replace, r=replace):
            for chars in product(*[to_replace[index] for index in indices]):
                temp = input_string[:]
                for index, char in zip(indices, chars):
                    temp[index] = char
                yield ''.join(temp)


    I change the input string to a list, so I can do the replacement faster, since lists are mutable and strings are not.

    Then I filter the mapping (p) to represent only indices that are going to be changed. This removes all empty strings and provides me with the indices that I have to look at.

    to_replace = dict()
        for idx, replacement in enumerate(mapping):
            if not replacement: continue
            to_replace[idx] = replacement
            if input_string[idx] in replacement:
                to_replace[idx] = [char for char in replacement if char != mapping[idx]]

    Note: I also make sure that the values in mapping are unequal to the original string values, which might not be what you want.

    Then I create all possible combinations of indices with the required length (replace=3).

    for indices in combinations(to_replace, r=replace):

    Using your example this will contain the following group of indices:

    (0, 1, 4)
    (0, 1, 5)
    (0, 4, 5)
    (1, 4, 5)

    Then I create all possible character combinations from those indices:

    for chars in product(*[to_replace[index] for index in indices]):

    For example with indices (0, 1, 4) or the values ('d1', 'c3', '0'):

    ('d', 'c', '0')
    ('d', '3', '0')
    ('1', 'c', '0')
    ('1', '3', '0')

    Are all the character combinations produced.

    Then I create a copy of the input string (note it is a list, so we can perform fast replacements) and replace the characters at the correct indices.


    • Your function
    def OP(input_string, replace=3):
        p = ["d1", "c3", "", "", "0", "56"]
        d = {idx: (v if input_string[idx] in v else input_string[idx] + v) for idx, v in enumerate(p)}
        all_of_em = (''.join(whatever) for whatever in product(*d.values()))
        fewer = [w for w in all_of_em if sum(a != b for a, b in zip(w, input_string)) == replace]
        return fewer

    Replace is 3

    print(timeit.timeit("OP('abc123')", setup="from __main__ import OP", number=100_000))
    # 5.6281933 seconds
    print(timeit.timeit("list(change_string('abc123', ['d1', 'c3', '', '', '0', '56']))",
                        setup="from __main__ import change_string", number=100_000))
    # 1.3682368 seconds

    Which is about 3 times as fast, now the interesting part is to see what happens if we increase the replace value to 4

    Replace is 4

    print(timeit.timeit("OP('abc123', replace=4)", setup="from __main__ import OP", number=100_000))
    # 5.5450302 seconds
    print(timeit.timeit("list(change_string('abc123', ['d1', 'c3', '', '', '0', '56'], replace=4))",
                        setup="from __main__ import change_string", number=100_000))
    # 0.6179974 seconds

    A whooping 9 times faster, since my solution only has to check a few combinations.

    Similar increase can be seen with using replace is 2 or 1.