I have a new ASP.Net Core 3 MVC site that I've added GraphQL to with HotChocolate. I have users signing in to the MVC side using cookie-based auth with Auth0:
services.AddAuthentication(options =>
options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
options.DefaultSignInScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
options.DefaultChallengeScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
.AddOpenIdConnect("Auth0", options =>
But for GraphQL requests, I need JWT auth, for which I'd use:
.AddJwtBearer(config =>
They both independently work fine. Cookie auth allows controller use; JWT auth allows GQL use. But I can't figure out how to get the cookie auth for the controllers and JWT for the /graphql
A little context: HotChocolate uses a custom middleware to handle requests that come in to the /graphql
route. It's not on a controller, so I can't just specify the scheme with the Authorize
attribute as there isn't a controller to put it on.
is required.(There were a few others, mainly focused on combining REST and MVC, but these both go to controllers so the scenario is a bit different.)
I had the same issue, so I thought I post my solution in case others may have the same problem.
Hot Chocolate uses the Default Authentication Scheme so in Startup I declare JWT as the default:
services.AddAuthentication(options =>
options.DefaultSignInScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
options.DefaultChallengeScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
And everywhere I need Cookie Authentication I simply add:
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)]