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Updating a table column with oldest date in each row, except where the oldest date has already passed?

I would like to update the contents of the Date1 column to reflect the oldest date in each row, unless the date has already passed (Date1 < current date), in which case i'd like Date1 to be populated with the 2nd oldest date in the row.

For added context, The table has thousands of rows and ~15 columns, only a handful of which are dates. I've used the least function in the past to update this column with the oldest date in each row, but I can't figure out how to update it with the 2nd oldest date if the oldest date is prior to the current date.

ID Date 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4
001 01/14/2022 01/15/2022 01/16/2022
002 04/15/2019 03/20/2021 06/16/2021


  • You want the oldest date today or later. You can do this without a subquery, using least() and conditional expressions:

    update mytable t
    set date1 = least(
        case when date2 >= current_date then date2 end,
        case when date3 >= current_date then date3 end,
        case when date4 >= current_date then date4 end

    The case expression turns "past" dates to null, which least() ignores.

    An alternative unpivots the columns to rows and then uses filtering and aggregation:

    update mytable t
    set date1 = (
        select min(date)
        from (values (date2), (date3), (date4)) d(dt)
        where dt >= current_date